Will Indian banks survive the threat from tech giants like Amazon, Google and Facebook?

動態消息來源: Google 新聞 https://news.google.com/news/search/section/q/Google gift card/Google gift card?hl=zh-TW&gl=TW&ned=tw

◎ Will Indian banks survive the threat from tech giants like Amazon, Google and Facebook?  2018-10-05
  - Will Indian banks survive the threat from tech giants like Amazon, Google and Facebook?  YourStory.com 【 https://yourstory.com/2018/10/indian-banks-survive-threat-tech-giants-amazon-google-facebook/ 】
◎ New phone scam reported  2018-10-05
  - New phone scam reported  Moscow-Pullman Daily News 【 http://dnews.com/new-phone-scam-reported/article_7e2c6f8c-c801-11e8-a41f-0b031a0d97df.html 】
◎ Moab Police 'about 101% confident' warrants aren't paid with gift cards, warn residents of scams  2018-09-25
  - Moab Police 'about 101% confident' warrants aren't paid with gift cards, warn residents of scams  fox13now.com 【 https://fox13now.com/2018/09/25/moab-police-about-101-confident-warrants-arent-paid-with-gift-cards-warn-residents-of-scams/ 】
◎ Take Part in the Test and Get a Free Gift Card! Power Rangers: All-Stars FGT Begins  2018-10-04
  - Take Part in the Test and Get a Free Gift Card! Power Rangers: All-Stars FGT Begins  invenglobal 【 https://www.invenglobal.com/articles/6359/take-part-in-the-test-and-get-a-free-gift-card-power-rangers-all-stars-fgt-begins 】
◎ Dealmaster: Buy an Nvidia Shield and get a free Google Home Mini  2018-10-05
  - Dealmaster: Buy an Nvidia Shield and get a free Google Home Mini  Ars Technica 【 https://arstechnica.com/staff/2018/10/dealmaster-buy-an-nvidia-shield-and-get-a-free-google-home-mini/ 】

